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About Us: Portfolio


"A church on the move"


Our mission is to serve, teach, help others and

to connect people to God and one another.

We proclaim the gospel.


Stanton Grove Missionary Baptist Church was founded on March 15, 1975, under the leadership of

Rev. Henry Wyatt. Rev. Henry Wyatt and his wife, Mary Wyatt, held services in their home for

several months. A band of five faithful members (Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt, Rev. and Sis Jimmy Horton,

and the late Ida Scroggins) united under the leadership of Rev. Wyatt.

With the congregation's continued growth, the home of Rev. and First Lady Wyatt soon

became too small. On June 27, 1975, services were moved into St. Mark Methodist Church on

Kennedy and Chestnas in Atlanta, Georgia. The continued growth led to the purchase of 2015

Memorial Drive S.E. Atlanta, GA. 30315 in April 1977.

In March of 1991, Rev. C.C. Reeves and Ethel Reeves arrived with contagious energy and excitement

as Rev. Reeves cast a vision to elevate the congregation to the next level of success. Due to health

challenges, Rev. Wyatt began ministering to his flock from his bed in December 1995. During this

, Rev. Reeves ensured no interruptions occurred. Every First Sunday, Rev. Reeves and

Stanton Grove Missionary Baptist Church members would have communion with Rev. Wyatt. On

February 27, 1998, Rev. Henry Wyatt was called to eternal rest.

Rev. C.C. Reeves was installed as the second Pastor of Stanton Grove Missionary Bapst Church on

September 6, 1998. The steadfastness of Rev. Reeves, who saw with burning clarity the vision God

placed before him, contributed to the growth, not only in numbers but also in faith, of Stanton

Grove Missionary Baptist Church until his retirement in 2021. Under the leadership of the Rev. C.C.

Reeves, Rev. Denson Alford, Sr. was licensed in 1985 and ordained in 1987. Rev. C.C. Reeves went

home to be with the Lord on August 15, 2022. Rev. C.C. Reeves was a man of God, a powerful

preacher, a tremendous inspiration to everyone, and was dedicated to the work of God.

Today, Greater Stanton Grove Missionary Baptist Church has been on an upward course, prospering,

growing, and striving to do the will of the Master. Under Rev. Denson Alford Sr.'s tenure, the Lord has

“moved mightily” in souls and structures. Rev. Alford’s desire as a church; is to be within the

community proclaiming the Word of Christ and providing good deeds whenever possible to the

community. He enjoys preaching and touching the Word of God with power, conviction, and

simplicity at every opportunity that avails without compromise


The goodness of the Lord found favor in our congregation as Greater Stanton Grove Missionary Baptist Church moved into its current location in Decatur, GA.

In remembrance of 

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